Oct 6, 2008

Value of Money

It's been a while since I posted anything technically or sociologically, all because I was very busy with nuances in my life. I was searching for my ideal home and I was unable to get it anywhere, still I am searching it within my budget and am either not getting it or its not worth that much since it's very far from my current place of work. I was hit by the attitude that Real estate people have to exploit our money.

People who go for work in USA for 2 years or more can save up to 10 Lakhs or even more and come back and invest the same in order to buy a huge bungalow *. But how many of us can really afford to travel that far leaving our family and dear ones alone? Or how many of us do really get such an opportunity? So our hard earned money is getting exploited once we return to India. How? We do not know what to do with such a huge money, people either buy a car worth 10 Lakhs by cash or buy a house by cash. They will never need to go for loans. So, do they really need home? Not really, because they do not know where to invest this money, people seem to have lost faith in Insurance companies and Real estate is the best bet now for multiple returns.

So what is the reason for investing in Land or some kind of property? People are GREEDY. I know its hard to take because we all are greed anyways. There is some limit for everything, once it goes above our neck we fall prey to money! We all speak nicely but do absolutely opposite to it. As long as our GREEDINESS doesn't end, the cost of living won't reduce because since you're ready to spend others are ready to take in lump just like you were greedy to buy. This multifolds and has landed to the current state where even basic food items cost not less than 50 rupees. the basic necessity of human being "Food, Water and Shelter" costs dearly now. Foods in hotel cost more than 50 rupees on an average. Water costs more than 20 rupees per can on an average. Shelter costs more than 20 Lakhs on an average.

It's time that people re-think and do not spend their money greedily. They have to spend on the most valuable things like Agriculture, Family trips etc. Unless the greedy buying stops, the value for money won't be good and even money won't value us one day. This is exactly reflected in Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. All greedy investors lost everything. Let's take this as an example and try to educate ourselves and not fall prey to greediness. Remember just as there is some value for your life and there are some limitations on what you can do, the same applies to money also. Don't let the money talk, if you do you are killing millions of poor below poverty line and also your own life in the long run.

* rule applies 2 to 3 years back

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