Mar 18, 2008

Gmail Part III: Labels

In Gmail Labels are like folders in your hotmail or yahoo. In case of folders you can move a message to a single folder only, but in case of Labels you can apply more than label to a conversation.

Once you've created a label, you can view all the messages with that label by searching, or by clicking the label name along the left side of any Gmail page.

You can easily create, edit, and delete existing labels. Here's how:

To create a label:

  1. Select the message(s) you'd like to label by checking the box(es) next to the sender's name.
  2. Select New label from the More Actions... drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the name of the new label in the text box, and click OK.
The selected messages will automatically be categorized under the new label.

To edit a label:

  1. Sign in to Gmail.
  2. Click Edit labels at the bottom of the Labels box.
  3. Click rename next to the label you want to edit.
  4. Enter the new label name, and click OK.
All the messages categorized under your old label name will now be categorized under your new label.

To delete a label:

  1. Sign in to Gmail.
  2. Click Edit labels at the bottom of the Labels box.
  3. Click remove label next to the label you want to delete.
  4. Confirm that you'd like to remove the label by clicking OK.
* Removing a label doesn't delete the messages previously categorized with that label.

After labeling a message or conversation, you can remove it from your inbox by archiving it. Then, you can view archived messages by clicking All Mail, or by clicking the label name along the left side of any Gmail page.

As shown in the following picture, once you delete the 'Inbox' Label to the already assigned 'test' label conversation, the conversation will be archived and wont be available in Inbox. You can however find the conversation in 'test' label or 'All Mails'.

You can find out whether a conversation in the Inbox is labelled or not using the Label indicator as shown below.

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