Jun 10, 2008

Forms Personalization-Examples

I will explain forms personalization with a few live examples in this article. As per my earlier article, I mentioned that we perform the following activities using forms personalization:

  • Enable/disable certain buttons
  • Enable/disable certain menu entries
  • Enable/disable certain fields
  • Re-label buttons, fields, tips etc
  • Change the default value of fields
  • Allow easy access from one form to another, passing context
  • Display Messages
  • Execute certain form built-ins
  • Do any of the above for only a particular user or responsibility
  • Do any of the above only if certain conditions are true
  • Do all of the above without writing code, and without violating Support agreements
Please read my previous article here for an overview about Forms Personalization if you haven't read it yet.

First example: Displaying messages

Second Example: Enabling a Menu item

Now its your turn! Try to display the "Hello there!" message when the "Test" menu is clicked! Happy personalizing :)...

Signing off for now,

1 comment:

  1. jith,
    Thanks for sharing the useful info.A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle :-)


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