Now a days I have been keeping busy learning new things which connects me with my inner self. I am searching for answers that long haunted me. I am practising meditation and doing all the readings which helps me in answering the questions which have been troubling me.
In this field I am sure I will be successful. Praying and healing for the most needed is the best a Human Soul can do. I found this truth via my meditation. This Earth is troubled by violence, discrimination, threats, and lot of negative energies. It is our collective responsibility to wipe out the bad energy and cleanse every human soul to help lead a better Spiritual life.
Spirituality is nothing but finding yourself, finding the path which leads you to bliss, to realize the ultimate truth. Who ever wants any help in this world mentally, I suggest that you guys take up to Meditation, esp which connects with your subconscious mind. Nothing else matters, all other meditation techniques can give you peace of mind, but there are things which you need beyond this. I am sure many people feel that they are cut off after a point where they reach a peace of mind.
I wish everyone a happy journey forward as we went past the much debated Mayan Prophecy 21 DEC 2012. Take care all, praying and wishing for you all! Happy 2013 and journey forward.